– Jeff Leffel –
One could wax eloquent to describe the depths to which our society has fallen. Suffice it say that ours and our children’s spiritual, physical and even mental well being are being put to the test more than in any of our lifetimes. Worse than the Covid 19 pandemic. Deeper than the global financial crisis of 2008. Even World War II or the Cold War, with enemies like Adolph Hitler and the Soviet Union, cannot compare to the nearby, pervasive and powerful portfolio of evils that we face today.
There are many battle fronts in this war. How sad, but true that we even have to consider such strong courses of action. Even five short years ago, most or at least many of the institutions in our society were stable, while liberalized to an extent, still apparently maintaining order, morality and at the very least, sanity. This is no longer the case. Law and order, education of our children, business and of course government all are being corrupted and turned on their head. As the Bible predicts of course correctly…
1 Timothy 4:1 “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron”
One institution that is evaporating before our eyes is the financial system. Much like 2008, some banks have failed, and it’s rumored that many more could soon follow. In fact, there is evidence that certain very affluent and powerful individuals and groups may be planning a wholesale rework of the financial system, wherein there may be few safe havens for savings, investments and retirement funds.
There also is a growing understanding that investments will have to meet Environmental, Social and Governance standards (ESG) which may have had good intent at first, but have been transformed in 2023 to mean essentially LGBTQ promotion, so called racial “equity” that actually is aggressive reverse discrimination patterned after critical race theory, and the embracing of “climate change” utilizing carbon credits and anti-fossil fuel alarm-ism (against even clean burning natural gas) that is tantamount to earth worship!
This extends to the corporate world in very tangible ways. Today, Stellantis (formerly Chrysler) and most automotive manufacturers are embracing battery electric vehicles (BEV) to such an extent as the electrical grid will not be capable to support. Even hybrid gasoline/electric vehicles are falling out of favor. The retail giant Target has recently promoted clothing designed explicitly for transgender children, some of the Abprallen label designed by Eric Carnell, at the very least an outspoken apologist for Satan, if not a Satanist himself. “Drag Queen story hours” are mainstreaming what not so long ago were clearly abnormal and abhorrent lifestyles. Even in the classrooms, some curricula are designed to make non-binary behavior acceptable, and even preferred. And in the not so rare extreme, behind parents’ backs some are literally proselytizing and intentionally grooming our children for all types of perversion and exploitation.
We clearly need to be very aware of what is being presented to our loved ones, even while innocently shopping or browsing online catalogs! Also, for two reasons, we should be very aware of what the mores are of the businesses we frequent, and the companies that we invest in. Do you want your 401K investment money funding anti-Christian or morally questionable (at best) corporations? I for one, do not!
Long story short, since 2010 I have had a fledgling online business – then called Snap321.com. In 2018, I re-branded it to be Coin SEO Company, and beginning late in 2021, I commissioned a very talented gentleman to create a smart contract for 18 million CSEO tokens. Now, CSEO is not money, and it’s not Bitcoin. What it is a cryptographic token, currently 100% owned by my limited liability corporation, Coin SEO Company LLC. The original meaning of CSEO was Coin SEO, my online marketing business.
So, in light of the many issues emergent in our world, country and society today – indeed our workplaces, stores and neighborhoods, I am embarking on this unusual mission to commit these CSEO tokens to what I consider to be the Lord’s work, so I rebranded the tokens to mean Christians Serving Each Other. At the same time, I am committed to actively working to restore sanity to at least a subset of society, one wherein I and my family, friends, church and others can be confident of a few things. They are:
- Encourage those with the Judeo-Christian world view to utilize like-minded service provider businesses. They will accept CSEO tokens as partial payment for their services
- Reduce dependency on the US dollar, banks and credit cards by utilizing the Ethereum blockchain with peer-to-peer transactions with very low fees
- By the supplemental use of CSEO tokens, encourage investment in Christian/Jewish businesses, farms and charities
It’s our hope that by the means described herein, our individual and aggregate resources, efforts and actions will minimize the harm that may be done to each of us – and that by using available tools and ingenuity, our financial well being and our church’s may be preserved – even increased. With some time passing, more transactions and a growing list of businesses, the broader market may accept the CSEO token, at which time the value may increase substantially.
As the Bible clearly expresses, and it was so well demonstrated in Frank Peretti’s books, This present darkness and Piercing the darkness, we are in the midst of a spiritual battle.
Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
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