How it works is a growing network of evangelical Christians who realize that there is a need to cooperate on a much closer and practical level than attending church, small groups/Sunday school or even active ministry. They believe that we should Serve Each Other on a day to day basis.

Today, many small Christian-owned businesses, family farms and charities are facing unprecedented difficulty. Even if the financial challenges of staying open, paying the bills and competing effectively are being met, growing the business and getting to the fulfillment of each entrepreneur’s founding dream is getting further and further out of reach.

And Christian charities are forced to spend so much time fundraising that they really can’t fully meet all of the needs for which they were originally founded. And with rampant inflation, petroleum fuel restrictions and ESG or CEI requirements looming, it’s likely to get worse before it gets better.

We believe that God has led us to a very unusual business model, one that will assist all of these folks in meeting their needs and going well beyond that. This involves orchestrating a number of simple steps, but in a very particular way, so that it all works together as a functioning and growing ecosystem.

But money doesn’t grow on trees. So the idea isn’t to miraculously find $millions in donations, pay a pile of bills, bring hundreds of customers bolting through the door, repair that old tractor or mend those fences, or maybe control the weather so that all the crops flourish.

Instead, we have noted a confluence of momentous events, trends and capabilities, beginning with the digital revolution and its latest manifestation known as cryptocurrency and the blockchain, and especially its burgeoning financial segment. Then, there are two seemingly negative but truly monumental waves that are unfolding right now – one called ethical investment (ESG) and the other Artificial Intelligence (AI). These – or reactions to them – we believe can be combined to provide an unlimited source of funds to be put to good use for God’s people.

To summarize:

  • Cryptocurrency, decentralized finance, and ownable token systems
  • ESG investing with CEI rules, but being actively resisted by a majority of good folks along with the wokeness that is upsetting society to an extent never seen in recent history
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) which promises to be so disruptive as to actually dwarf the dot com or internet revolution of just a decade ago

The question is: How can we access this enormous source of funds? We believe that we know how. In fact, we have a solid plan and do fully intend to capitalize on all of these factors to help out – Serve Each Other – in some very tangible ways.

Element 1 – CSEO token

Everyone’s heard of Bitcoin and a few people know about ethereum. These are both cryptocurrencies that have made a lot of people millionaires in the last few years. Other folks have either lost a lot of money by trying to trade in these, while others have become very skeptical, considering them to be hazardous – even dangerous – or un-Christian.

But there’s another side to crypto that we’re becoming skilled at, which is creating and owning our own specific crypto tokens. They are somewhat similar to currency, but not with an explicit use as money to purchase physical goods, they can nevertheless be very secure store of value. In this case they are called utility tokens, and they can function much like the old S&H green stamps, discount codes or even IOU’s.

We honor Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah and Lamb of God

You’ve not heard of them before, but we own 18,000,000 CSEO tokens that are on the Ethereum blockchain. We have the ability to use these in any legal way that we see fit. The tokens will be allocated so as to encourage member discounts and to increase member investor giving to charity members, in a very cool way that we may very well try to patent. (So don’t tell anybody – mum’s the word!)

Element 2 – overwhelming rejection of wokeness in retail

Here’s the thing. When enough people get sufficiently upset about woke ideology being shoved down their throats (Bud Light) or polluting their shopping experience (Target) there are monumental financial losses awaiting. Anheuser-Busch lost $6 Billion, while Target lost $15 Billion in market capitalization for their recent indiscretions, BOTH OF WHICH would I’m sure are fully compliant with ESG principles.

Now what that means is that investors simply will not be fooled. The new saw, “Go woke, go broke!” is literally true, and we will make the most of that at here at We’ll explain how later, but rest assured, there is enormous energy and funds in the mix.

For those not already into Crypto (Bitcoin, etc.) and they have a wallet, we will set up a proxy and hold their token credits for them.

So how does it work?

  1. Get some CSEO tokens. How?

A. NOTICE – CSEO tokens are now available on Uniswap. Due to LIQUIDITY POOL tokenomics, as they are swapped for other tokens, the price will tend to go up. As of today, Sept 25th small amounts can be had for approx. $.11 per token. Here is the link.

B. Donate to a Christian charity or invest in a business that is on our CSEO Confirmed Recipient List. You will receive 1 CSEO token for each dollar donated or invested. Some limitations and restrictions will apply.

C. If you qualify, become a founder. At this time (April, 2023) the CSEO token reward is 1,000,000 tokens. Only 3 founder positions are available at this time.
In the very near future, we will offer for sale our CSEO tokens on Uniswap, and later on our website. At that time (September, 2023) we anticipate that the price of our tokens will be $0.10, while the CSEO network apparent value will be $1.00 until such time that the market value exceeds $1.00.

D. I am personally giving away (“air dropping”) some small numbers of tokens to OcalaCEP members to build interest. These are my property freely given at my discretion with no strings attached.

NOTE – As possible and legal, those not wishing to use our tokens will be given coupons of equal value on request.

  1. Choose your service from our growing list of approved CSEO Participating Service Providers

The service providers will agree to accept CSEO tokens at the rate of one dollar each, for up to 50% of certain specific services – an honest 50% discount. This will act very much like a coupon, except the service provider will collect the tokens for future use.

Subject to availability, spending rate limitations and other stipulations that may apply. Legally, this is a discount program, similar to Groupon, but with one major difference – the service provider keeps the tokens, which may – and we certainly expect will – substantially increase in value over time.
These must be true discounts, not inflated prices so that after the discount it’s still a normal price. The tokens accumulated by the service providers will be fully fungible within our network at $1 value, and tradable on Uniswap at a minimum, beginning September, 2023.

  1. Reach agreement with the service provider on the full scope of the purchased service, total price if paid normally, timing and any contingencies.
  2. Pay the dollar amount of the service price – generally half of the normal, day to day price, using USD fiat currency (dollars) at this time. If there is a down payment, this should also be paid half in fiat currency (dollars).
  1. Pay the remainder of the price for the service using CSEO tokens, following the timetable and stipulations of the approved CSEO Participating Service Provider.

It’s best to pay using so there is a complete, secure and permanent record of the transaction.
Or pay with CSEO tokens using an exchange from our approved open exchanges list. In this case, you must take the appropriate steps to record all aspects of the transaction. Coin SEO Company LLC cannot guarantee these open exchange transactions.